Publikationsliste von Herrn Dr. Sungjong Paik
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Dec. 1996: Han'guk sahoesa yòn'gu. 15-19 segi Chòllado
T'aeinhyòn Kohyònnaemyònùl chungsimùro
(A social history of Korea from the 15th to the 19th century: Villages of
Kohyònnae in historical change), Seoul: Iltchogak
Academic Articles
March 1984: Koryò hugiùi palcho hogu (Some new aspects of Korean
society in the 13th and the 14th century discovered by analysis of historical
demographic materials), Han'guk hakpo, vol. 34, pp. 191-213
March 1989: Ùijòn kisul-ùl t'onghaesò pon Yuk
Yongjòngùi kaehwa sasang (An examination of the themes of Confucian
scholar Yuk Yongjòng on the West-oriented political and social reform
in the 19th century), Tonga yòn'gu, vol. 18, pp. 41-78
Dec. 1990: Kyòngsangdo Tansònghyòn Tosanmyòn
Munt'aeriùi sano Hùngjonggwa Hùngyong ilga. Ch'òn
yukpaek ch'ilsip p'allyònbutò ch'òn ch'ilbaek p'alsip
kunyònkkaji (Social life of two private slave families in T'ansòng
county: 1678-1789), Chindan hakpo, vol. 70, pp.43-75
June 1993: Ch'òn p'albae kusip sanyòn Chòllado
T'aeinhyòn yangin nongmindùrùi chose pudam (Tax burdens
of freeborn peasants of T'aein county in 1894), Chindan hakpo, vol. 75, pp.
March 1994: Martina Deuchiler, The Confucian Transformation of Korea. A Study
of Society and Ideology (Review article on Deuchler's book The Confucian...),
Yòksa hakpo, vol. 141, pp. 295-315
June 1994: Yi Chonguk oe, Han'guksasangùi chòngch'i hyòngt'ae
(Review article on Political Systems in Korean History by Yi Chonguk and
four others), Yòksa hakpo, vol. 142, pp.387-400
Oct. 1994: Sip'al sipku segi Chòlladoesòùi sinhùng
seryògùi taedu (Rise of secondary sons as a "New Power" in
Chòlla province in the 18th and the 19th century), Yi Kibaek
sònsaeng kohùi kinyòm han'guk sahak nonch'ong, vol.
2, pp. 1339-1367
Dec. 1994: Dorfkreis Kohyònnae im historischen Wandel: Eine
Sozialgeschichte Koreas vom 15. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, Dissertation for
PhD., University of Tübingen
April 1995: Eine neue historische Interpretation des Gründungsmythos
des Königsreiches Koguryò, Abstracts of the 17th AKSE Conference,
pp. 179-182
Dec. 1995: Kososòl Hong Kilttong chòn-ùi chòjage
taehan chae kòmt'o (Some problems on The Tales of Hong Kilttong, an
old novel), Chindan hakpo, vol. 80, pp. 307-331
Feb. 1997: Han'guksa'e issòsòùi minjung munje (Minjung
or mass in modern Korean historiography), Han'guksa simin kangjwa, vol. 20,
pp. 182-196